Why music classes for children?

Making music is extremely good for developing brains. Psychologist Dr. Frances Rauscher and neuroscientist Gordon Shaw have conducted many studies with young children investigating the relationship between music and brain development, all of which suggest that early exposure to music increases abilities in other areas, including maths and language.

They found that pre-schoolers who took music lessons did better at spatial and temporal reasoning tasks than those who received computer lessons. Subsequent studies at Brigham Young University suggest similar benefits can be seen by engaging children with music during their infant years, when their brains are developing the most.

Finally, Dr. Diane Bales suggests that listening to classical music only has temporary benefits, whilst musical instruction has longer-lasting effects because it actually creates new pathways in the brain. To find out more, please visit Cara Betama’s website.

There’s also this great Ted talk by Anita Collins, who demonstrates how playing a musical instrument strengthens your brain functions. It’s under 5 minutes long, so grab a cup of tea and enjoy!

[cws_sc_embed url=’https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0JKCYZ8hng’ width=’800′]

Ukeboxbaby at the Brunswick

"The Hungry Caterpillar" at the Brunswick, Hove

When: Sat, 25 Jan 2025 from 12pm to 1pm

Join us for musical rendition of 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' this January 25.

This famous children's story will be brought to life with children's ukulele lessons, ribbon sticks, bubbles, giant balloons, bubbles, silly string, water guns and more.

Live music with a dance music twist, performed by singer Penny Hartley, will bring this story to life and make it fun for parents and children alike.

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